Kass Evans, writer of historical fiction and non-fiction
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Teaching and Lectures
Kass Evans

When I was recently revising the "About the author" page, I realized that a big part of my life has been giving lectures and programs. Below is an example of areas where I have done public speaking.

Ancient World

Program: "Ancient Jewelry Detective: Understanding Roman Ring Designs” - Kass Evans, MasterValuer™ of gems and jewelry,
to the Tampa Bay Gem & Jewelry Society, Wed. Jan. 24, 2018

"The Use of Gemstones in Ancient Jewelry" - invited presentation to the Gemological Institute of America, Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, Jan. 26, 2012

"Alexander the Alabarch: Roman and Jew" - invited paper to the Philo of Alexandria Seminar at the Annual Meeting of Society of Biblical Literature, Nov. 1995. (a longer version of the paper was published in SBL Seminar Papers, 1995.)

"P.Oxy. VI.903, Domestic Violence, and Women's Rights in Roman Egypt" - presented to a special session of the Women in the Biblical World Section devoted to "Violence against women in the Biblical world" at the the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature, Nov. 1992.

"Friendship in the Greek Documentary Papyri" An invited paper presented to a special session of the Society of Biblical Literature's Hellenistic Moral Philosophy and Christianity Section devoted to 'friendship in the ancient world,' Nov. 1991. (later revised and published in 1997)


"Understanding Brilliance and Luster" - … Or, when you look into a gem, do you see yourself looking back? - Mini hands-on session, Wed. July 19, 2017

"Testing gemstone magnetism" - Hands-on session using a neodymium magnetic wand to separate similar gemstones,Wed. Jan. 11, 2017

"Zircon or Zirconia? Identifying Gemstones with a High Refractive Index" - Kass Evans, Wed. April 27, 2016

“Is Copal a Gemstone?” A hands-on look at how to distinguish between amber, copal, and plastic - Kass Evans Wed. Oct. 14, 2015

"Peridot: The Gem Formerly Known as Topaz (and what was it doing on the moon?)" - Kass Evans, Wed. August 26, 2015

"Color Change Gemstones" - Kass Evans, June 9, 2015


What is a MARC Record and How Do I Get One? presentation to staff at the Taylor & Francis Group, July 31, 2014

"Preserving America's Information Resources" - presentation on image and metadata creation/archiving to the National Register for Historic Places, April 7, 2005

"What is XML and Why Should You Care?" - presentation to the Web Council, National Park Service, Dec. 3, 2002

Dublin Core Metadata Initiative – participated in international meetings that developed the standard in 5/1997 (Helsinki), 6/1998 (Washington, DC), 7/1999 (Frankfurt), and 8/2000 (Ottawa)

"Building Gateways to Digital Resources" - presentation at the American Society for Information Science (ASIS) Annual Conference, Nov. 3, 1999.

"MARC Format Integration and Seriality: Implications for Serials Cataloging," Serials Librarian vol. 18, no.1/2 (1990), p.37-45. [article]


"Who Shot John Carney? Researching 19th Century Florida Records," - presentation in the Auditorium of the John F. Germany Library, Jan. 14, 2012

John F. Germany Library History & Genealogy Collection: An Overview - presentation to the African-American History & Genealogy Society, Tampa Chapter, May 14, 2011, -- Also a variation of this was given to the local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution DAR), Oct. 8, 2011. At the time, this was the third largest genealogy library in the southeastern U.S. and this presentation was a guide for researchers.

REL 2011: Religion, Interpretation and Analysis (FIU)

REL 2011: Religion, Interpretation and Analysis This was an introduction to Religion course that I taught as an Adjunct Professor at Florida International Univerity (Miami) from 1997-1999. The course covered Ancient Egyptian Religion, Formative Christianity, and Modern Theravada Buddhism as practiced on Sri Lanka.

Contact: mail@kassevans.com